“Outstanding Achievement” in the category Classical
at the Global Music Awards 2023!
We greatly thank the jury for their appreciation.
Buy the digital album on: HighResAudio (FLAC) | Qobuz (FLAC) | Apple Music

(own translation from Spanish)
Awarded with the prestigious Melómano de Oro “…symphonic music coexists in perfect harmony with the rhythms and improvisations of jazz.” Mario Gonzalez, Revisto RITMO, January 2023
(own translation from Spanish)
Featured in the Revisto RITMO Album Top 10
with the mention of “Especially Recommended” and “Extraordinary Sound” “Sometimes a tremendous force rushes in, and energy is unleashed. You find yourself in a hurry, then we calm down in the serene backwater, it’s quiet. You can catch the moment. It’s like listening to the musical soundtrack of an action-packed movie. The whole is impressive, and it shows how creative and wide-ranging a composer Passenier is.” Marita Nyrhinen, Kulttuuritoimitus, Jan 2023
(own translation from Finnish)
Fight for Light got released on October 28, 2022, on the American label Navona Records, produced by Parma Recordings.
Piano Concerto No. 1 “Levensdrift” (30 min.)
Kari Ikonen – piano, Josep Vicent – chief conductor, ADDA Simfònica
Jesse Passenier – composition
Vibraphone and Marimba Concerto No. 1 “Becoming the Colour” (34 min.)
Vincent Houdijk – vibraphone & marimba, Josep Vicent – chief conductor, ADDA Simfònica
Jesse Passenier – composition
Duo for Piano and Vibraphone “Unravelling Confusion” (13 min.)
Vincent Houdijk – vibraphone, Kari Ikonen – piano
Jesse Passenier – composition
Fight for Light
Een oproep voor respect, inclusie, kleurrijke diversiteit en connectiviteit
Ons verhaal gaat over licht.
Letterlijk, maar vooral figuurlijk;
energie, kracht, goedheid, het naar boven halen van kleur,
het scheppen van helderheid en het bieden van warmte.
“Na het deflecteren van haat en angst, ontstaat de ruimte om je vrij te richten op kansen, door te zetten, te putten uit levensdrift, en verwarring of corruptie te ontrafelen. Ruimte om onze verbeelding aan te spreken en het goede in mensen naar boven te halen, hen motiveren om te dromen, te zorgen en te creëren.”
Fight for Light is Passeniers antwoord op hoe nieuwe symfonische muziek in onze huidige tijd significant kan zijn en kan overtuigen. Terwijl hij zich baseert op verworvenheden uit tradities, zoekt hij naar vereniging van enerzijds het virtuoze klassieke symfonische soloconcert en anderzijds jazz harmonie, ritmiek, geïmproviseerd soleren en begeleiden (jazz comping).
Fight for Light
An appeal for respect, inclusion, colourful diversity, and connectivity
Our story is about light.
Literally, but especially figuratively;
energy, strength, goodness, the bringing out of colour,
the finding of clarity, and the offering of warmth.
“After deflecting hate and fear, space arises to target opportunities freely, to persist, to draw from a primal urge to live, and to unravel confusion or corruption. Space to spark our imagination and to bring out the good in people, to motivate them to dream, care, and create.”
Fight for Light is Passenier’s answer to how new symphonic music can be significant and convincing in our current time. While basing himself on achievements from traditions, he seeks unification of the virtuoso classical symphonic solo concerto on the one hand and jazz harmony, rhythm, improvised soloing, and accompanying (jazz comping) on the other.